Tuesday, October 11

Day 41

Still unsure about what to do about what will henceforth be referred to as the Kindle quandary. There are new ones out. Mine broke. Fixing it would cost as much as a new one. But the Kindle Touch does not come out for another month. Or do I want the Kindle Fire tablet? It was so much easier when there was only one version and I didn't have to make a choice.

Remember the time back in school when you did not have to worry about exams and they were almost fun to take? If not, I kinda feel sorry for you.
So anyways its time for an anecdote. Sing along with me -

"Exemplum, exemplum,
An example from your own life,
But in this case its from my life
So its a Rizemplum."

Have a couple of exams coming up in the next few days. Honestly I have not been this relaxed about exams in 4 years. So I love having the old feeling back.

And we won. In cricket. Wiki that if you don't know what that is. I am looking at you white girl.

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