Sunday, October 2

Day 32

Its been quite a while. Have fallen behind on this. Figured out that it is close to impossible for me to keep on updating it daily - or recalling and writing down the last 20 or so days which I haven't updated.
So the updates will now happen when I can. Probably about that day too.

So went to a 'carnival'. It really was more of a gala/fair. Without the ferris wheel of course. It wasn't too bad. Good life advice - never try something new with high expectations. You are far more likely to enjoy yourself then. There was a bunch of musical performances, some even pretty good - a bunch of skits and stand-up acts and some pyrotechnics and photonics. It was packed. And I got glitter all  over myself. Actually it wasn't self inflicted. Oh and I wrote down GUAN in large purple letters on one of the walls. Never forget your roots. Also listened to John Legend and Lupe's collaboration. Great song.

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