Wednesday, September 21

Day 12

Monday was the day I was supposed to revisit the administrator.He was sick. Even rumors of him being hospitalized though. Had to suppress a sudden rush of vindictive pleasure upon hearing that. I wasn't being nice. Selfish reasons actually - he was the only one who could get what I wanted done. They hadn't even prepared a substitute for such an eventuality. Still another day of guan.

And the traffic was horrendous. It took over an hour, I could probably have walked the distance in that time.

Day 10

Beginning. Again. All the gala of events they have to mark of a new start. Met a very very old friend. Elementary school to be specific. Its been a while. We reminisced. Had kept in touch these past few years though. Social Networking. It does have its benefits sometimes.

I told him about what I was up to. Blamed him of course. He had made the same life changing decisions I had made. A few years earlier. Had a good laugh about it.

Bloody administrators though. In this day and age how can someone, who is supposed to work the administration role on a computer, not know how to use one?  As in he needed someone else to do it for him. Idiot even got annoyed by how dealing with me was taking too long. As if me explaining myself and then him trying to relay the information to a third person to figure out was efficient to begin with. Asked me to return in a couple of days. Last I heard he was quite sick. I deny any responsibilities.

Which reminds me, Day and Age was quite a good album. They are amazing in concert too.

Day 9

Writing about Friday again. Will be skipping a few days to catch up. Pretty sure nothing happened in the days I don't mention. But Friday was special. It was raining. Haven't done Friday prayers outside in the rain in a long while. Brought back old memories. Ahhh.

The architect was back. The wheedling and dealing needed to make the changes to the plans took a while. A couple of hours actually. People don't like other people trying to meddle with their creations do they. Of course, I insisted.

Wednesday, September 14

Day 6

Two in a row. Go check the old post too. But I needed to catch up. And since there was as much guanning as the day before it even seems appropriate. There was one useful task of note though. I rearranged the furniture in my room. Haven't had to properly work in my room for a few years now. Will have to start soon. So got my desk out from the corner in the room. Also found an old swivel chair to go with the desk.The new arrangement makes my room look spacious. I like it. Won't have to worry about my computer overheating on the bed now.

Day 5

'Twas an even more unproductive day. Nothing done the whole day. I feel like I should apologize. To me myself of course. Only thing worth mentioning was that the architect showed up late at night. With the new floor plans. For the new block of apartments we are planning to replace our current abode with. Its logical and economically beneficial. Yet nostalgia often gets in the way. Its hard seeing the home that you have lived in for your whole life get taken down. I guess thats what memories are for.

Monday, September 12

Day 4

I finally got the administrative part done. I don't know what I was expecting but it was quite anti-climactic. Just got asked to show up again on the 17th. Especially since I had to stand in a queue for over an hour to hand in something that took me less than a minute to do. Didn't help that I also hadn't eating anything the whole day. On the whole it was a hot, tiring and completely unproductive day.

Day 3

Hadn't been to a picnic to this part of the world in a while. But this was hardly a picnic. Really - we cooked everything, reheated it there and sat down to eat in a room with a roof and walls. That should disqualify this from being called a picnic but they insisted. Still we did drive for over an hour, there are no concrete structures nearby and it was all quite picturesque. So I humored them. I spent most of the time there talking to two octogenarians - remarkable people. Was audience to some amazing tidbits of history about the development of the City from where it was 40 years ago to now.

It rained while I was walking outside. It felt good to feel proper rain again. Not the slight overcast drizzle I was subject to the last few years. Real rain that soaks you to your skin in less than a minute.

Watched a few games of football that were on the TV. The difference in quality between the rich teams and the others seems to have only widened. I wasn't complaining as my team won. It was also quite an entertaining display of good footy. But sometimes I feel that the neutrals might get tired of this in a while. After all don't we always root for the underdogs?

Friday, September 9

Day 2

Its Friday. And on that topic, I am pretty sure I haven't met anyone who knew who Rebbecca Black was. Good omen. Also had a very shrink-like conversation with an intriguing person. Probably have never had a chat with someone like him. It was quite unique.

Was walking back home late afternoon. Came a cross a few street urchins. Probably the homeless variety. The youngest one, around 7, had one of the foulest mouths I have ever come across. The two minutes I was within hearing range on the other side of the street involved me being exposed me to some of the most imaginative, descriptive and colorful lexicon of expletives and curses. Sort of like some of the dialogue from Four Lions. But far more explicit. Also if you like dark comedies and haven't already, go watch Four Lions. Or look it up on youtube.

I went to one of those new cafes that seem to be sprouting up all over my neighborhood. This was one was nice though. It was comfortable. Had an art gallery too. And a movie room. Food was meh. Maybe I'll try the waffles next time. Met up with a few old friends there. Regaled them with stories from our past. Reminiscing about the foolish things we did when we were younger was quite enjoyable. Should do that more often.

Thursday, September 8

Day 1

It rained today. A lot. So it was pretty cool all day. The roads were a mess though. Nothing 'cept heavens floodgates opening to emphasize the dilapidated nature of our urban infrastructure. Got some work done. Took a few hours. Ah bureaucracy. How would the stalwarts of administration survive if not for the enthralling entanglements of procedures and queues. Sibling left for college. It will be interesting being home alone. Sleep schedule seems to be coming back to a more regular beat now. Hard to imagine Joey Barton of all people would be an inspiration. Isambard Kingdom Brunel. That made me smile. And then accusations of a modern Orwellian society. The reaction to the riots seem to emphasize it more so. But I will cover that elsewhere. Signing off for the night.