Monday, September 12

Day 3

Hadn't been to a picnic to this part of the world in a while. But this was hardly a picnic. Really - we cooked everything, reheated it there and sat down to eat in a room with a roof and walls. That should disqualify this from being called a picnic but they insisted. Still we did drive for over an hour, there are no concrete structures nearby and it was all quite picturesque. So I humored them. I spent most of the time there talking to two octogenarians - remarkable people. Was audience to some amazing tidbits of history about the development of the City from where it was 40 years ago to now.

It rained while I was walking outside. It felt good to feel proper rain again. Not the slight overcast drizzle I was subject to the last few years. Real rain that soaks you to your skin in less than a minute.

Watched a few games of football that were on the TV. The difference in quality between the rich teams and the others seems to have only widened. I wasn't complaining as my team won. It was also quite an entertaining display of good footy. But sometimes I feel that the neutrals might get tired of this in a while. After all don't we always root for the underdogs?

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